Conference Programme
Presently, the conference programme is under finalization. Detailed programme will appear here once finalized.
Conference Theme: Latest Technologies for Rehabilitation and Dam Safety (20-22 March 2025)
Conference Topics
The following topics will be deliberated during the three days conference:
- THEME A : Latest technologies for dam health assessment
Dam Inspection, Geophysical and under water investigations, Seepage and Leakage Detection, Crack Mapping, Advancement in modern technology; Material testing and Investigations,
Issues & challenges, Case Studies
- THEME B : Dam Health Monitoring and Surveillance
Dam Health Monitoring, Data Acquisition and Processing; Dam Instrumentation for earthquake hazard assessment; Surveillance and monitoring by latest technologies (Satellite, terrestrial radar,
laser based technologies); Real-time performance monitoring and analysis of data; Automation of instrumentation; Hydro- meteorological and Inflow forecasting systems;
Communication and PA systems; Case Studies
- THEME C : Latest technologies for repair and dam rehabilitation techniques
Dam rehabilitation techniques; Use of geo-membrane ; Dam Grouting – Cementitious and chemicals; Underwater works; Foundation grouting; Various aspects of rehabilitation- pre-rehabilitation
investigations, technical regulations and current practices, institutional capacity building, project management, contractual challenges; Refurbishment of Gates; Dam Rehabilitation Case
Studies; Reservoir De-sedimentation
- THEME D : Dam safety assurance under climate change
Climate change impacts on dam safety; Flood risk management; Design flood review and managing revised floods; GLOF Management; Optimization of reservoir operation and integrated reservoir
- THEME E : Safety evaluation of existing dams
Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams - Structural, Hydraulic, Hydrologic and Geotechnical safety Assessments; Risk Analysis and Risk Management
- THEME F : Safe operation and disaster management
Disaster and emergency management; Resources and capacity building for Emergency Management; EAP; Integration of Operation, Maintenance and Emergency Management
- THEME G : Lessons learnt from dam incidents
Causes of dam failures; case histories of dam failures incidents; lessons learnt